This couple met on tinder and wanted to incorporate it into their stationery.
Inside page offers space for Bar details, travel details, accommodation. There is space on the back also "they swiped right, she said yes" "A modern day fairytale"
All text is fully personalised.
Information must be supplied in correct format and spelling in the first instance by adding a 'notes to seller' when purchasing this item. If no note has been given a message will be sent to ask for details, information should be provided within 24 hours before the order is then cancelled and refunded.
NOTES TO SELLER: This information MUST be supplied at time of purchase, all details must be spelt correctly
* Couples Names ( In order you would like to appear)
* Venue
* Time of ceremony / Time of reception (evening reception classed as separate item - please purchase two sets)
* Date
* RSVP email or website address.
Product Details :
* Folded size 148mm x 148mm. Flat size 297mm x 148mm
* Double sided card.
* When placing your order be sure to add notes to seller with the details required.
* Proofs will be sent within 48 hours of purchase.
* Colours can be changed.
* © Copyright Flutterbeeze 2013-2018. All rights reserved.
* Bank holidays do not class as business days, please allow 1 extra day for the holidays.
* All supplied information must be correct and with no omissions or spelling errors.
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